The Siege of Macindaw (Book Six, Ranger's Apprentice)

In the sixth stunning installment of Ranger's Apprentice, Orman, Lord of Castle Macindaw, gateway to the northern land of Picta, his been deposed. His cousin, renegade knight Sir Keren, has taken control and disbanded the garrison. He plans to allow the Scotti, the natives of Picta, to pass the fortress and raid the surrounding lands with impunity. Will's cover as a joungleur has been blown. He has fled into Grimsdale Wood, home of the healer Malcolm (Mallakam). Alyss' true identity has also been discovered by Sir Keren. She is being held hostage in the keep of Macindaw. Will knows he must take the castle and stop Keren, the question is how. When the newly-appointed Ranger finds the Skandian's from book five stranded on the shore, he has his fighting force. Now all he needs is a general. When Halt and Crowley, the Ranger Commandant, send Horace, now a member of the Royal Guard, to assist Will, Will knows that he is ready to stop Keren. But will he be able to save Alyss or will the darkness, and her imprisonment, overwhelm her?

The Siege of Macindaw is one of my favorite installments in the series, my favorite being the last. Malcolm also plays a major role in book nine, Halt's Peril. I won't tell what he does, you'll just have to read and find out!

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