Halt's Peril (Book Nine, Ranger's Apprentice)

Halt, Will, and Horace have managed to force The Outsiders Cult from Clonmel, the sixth Kingdom of Hibernia. The leader of the Cult, Tennyson, has hired three Genovesan assassins to kill anyone who crosses his path. During Horace's duel in book eight, one of the Genovesans was killed by Will, shot by an arrow in public display. King Ferris, Halt's brother, is dead, killed by the Genovesans. His nephew, Sean, has ascended the throne of Clonmel. Tennyson and his followers have fled to Picta, the land bordering Araluen, with all the gold they can carry. Tennyson, feeling that he is safe for the moment, decides to begin building the Cult anew in Araluen and orders the remaining Genovesans to kill Will, Halt or Horace should they see them. Halt, Will, and Horace are hot on the trail of the Cult when they are ambushed by Tennyson's assassins. Halt sustains a minor scratch from one of the crossbow bolts, but aside from this the group is unfazed. Slowed slightly, they continue on their pursuit. As time drags on, Halt's condition worsens and his wound begins to fester. Will realizes that the crossbow bolt must have been poisoned and the only man that can heal Halt is days away, in Grimsdale Wood, near Macindaw. Will Will be able to bring Malcolm to Halt in time, or will the Ranger die, from the merest of scratches?

Halt's Peril is the last book, thankfully, in which we see the Outsiders. Personally, they are my least favorite of the antagonists in the series because they know that what they are doing is wrong, yet they cheat, murder, swindle and con people to get whatever they want anyway.

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