The Kings of Clonmel (Book Eight, Ranger's Apprentice)

The Outsiders, a mysterious cult that appeared many decades ago, convert people to their belief that worships a fake "Golden God," and con them out of their valuables then disappear. Years ago, they were supposedly destroyed and forced from Araluen. Now, however, they are beginning to resurface. The Ranger Corps has discovered that this Cult has overthrown five of the six kingdoms of Hibernia, and that the sixth will fall soon. That is, unless Will, Halt and Horace have a say in the matter. Sent to Clonmel, the sixth kingdom, the trio must stop the Cult before it envelops all of Hibernia in it's yolk and sets it's eyes on Araluen once more. However, the matter becomes personal when Halt reveals his past and informs Will and Horace that he is the rightful King of Clonmel.  Halt's younger brother, King Ferris, tried to kill him, and believed he had succeeded. Instead, Halt fled to Araluen and began a new life, as a Ranger. As they travel across the Hibernian countryside, Halt realizes that there is only one way to defeat the Golden God of the Outsiders, through the Legendary Sunrise Warrior of Hibernian myth.

The Kings of Clonmel is the first of the Outsiders appearance in the Ranger's Apprentice Series. I noticed that the series is divided into twos: The Morgarath arc (Books 1, 2), The Skandia arc (3, 4), The Macindaw arc (5, 6), The Outsiders arc (8, 9). Books seven and ten stand alone.

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