Erak's Ransom (Book Seven, Ranger's Apprentice)

The Silver Oakleaf, symbol of the Ranger: To earn it, one must endure five long years of grueling training, and pass the final exam. Now ending his fifth year as an apprentice, Will doesn't feel that he is ready for the honor. However, it is not the time to be thinking about such things. It should be a joyous occasion. After  many long years, Halt and Lady Pauline, Head of Redmont's Couriers, are getting married. All is going well, that is until Svengal, Oberjarl Erak's former first mate, comes bursting through the doorway bloodied and brused. He tells a shocking tale about how Erak, a Skandian, tired of paperwork, left for one final raid to Arridia, the desert land to the south. Once there, the Skandians were met by no guards, but were captured in a fierce ambush. The Arridi demand eighty thousand reels of silver for the Oberjarl's return. After Halt's wedding, Svengal pleads with King Duncan and the Araluens to split the ransom. King Duncan, being the great man that he is, accepts and also promises to sent an envoy to Arridia to assist Svengal. Duncan sends Will, Horace, Halt, Gilan, and, after much argument, Princess Cassandra. Once in Arridia, the group finds that Erak's guards have been slaughtered and Erak captured. Will they find him or will he rot in this desolate land? Find out in Erak's Ransom!

This book was originally my favorite, until I read the tenth and final book. Erak's Ransom is filled with treachery and betrayal, but also hope. There are numerous characters that are introduced in this book that play large roles later on in the series.

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