The Triwizard Tournament, a legendary event amongst the three greatest European schools of magic, Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. It is the ultimate test of a witch or wizard's skill in the magical arts and the winner will be bathed in eternal glory. This year at Hogwarts, Harry's fourth, is the first Tournament in over two-hundred years. With potential competitors from all three schools arriving to Hogwarts this year Harry is excited to experience this historic event, but has no intention of participating. In order to participate, the contestants must place their names into the Goblet of Fire, which will make the decision as to who will participate, one per school. To insure that there would be no casualties this year (there were before and the tournament was discontinued for two-hundred years) and that underage wizards could not compete, Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, placed an Age Line around the Goblet. However, when the contestants are announced, Harry's name is amongst those chosen! Thrust into the Triwizard Tournament, Harry must now fight for his life and his humanity in three grueling events that will try to break him both mentally and physically. As Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire hurtles to it's ultimate conclusion, betrayal and treachery will be revealed and many a question will be answered. What is the secret of the graveyard Harry dreams of, and what is it's connection to the Tournament? These questions and more will be answered in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is one of the most well-written books in the series, filled with action, suspense and teenage angst (wait . . . what?). The scene at the end of the book (the one with the cauldron) is one of my favorite in the series despite my initial reaction, "Well . . . ^&#%."
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