In this first installment of the instant classic, a young Harry Potter has lived a tragic life. According to his abusive, adoptive family, the Dursleys, his parents died in a terrible accident when he was young. He suffers in silence in the cramped broom closet that is his bedroom beneath the stairs, and wishes for his life to be different. During an outing to the zoo, Harry begins to realize that all is not all as it seems -- he understands and talks to the snakes in the reptile room. On his eleventh birthday, Harry's life changes forever when he and the Dursleys receive a surprise visitor: an enormous man with hands the size of garbage-can lids who claims to have known Harry since he was a baby. The man, called Hagrid, brings to light a startling revelation: Harry is a Wizard and is eligible to attend the wizarding school, Hogwarts. Stunned by the revelation, Harry is escorted to Hogwarts and trains to master the arcane arts. Thrown into a world of magic and mystery, Harry makes both friends and foes and learns that there is more to himself then he could ever have imagined. However, darkness is brewing. The Dark Lord Voldemort is regaining strength. Eleven years ago, he tried to kill Harry and failed, his body and soul scattered in the process. Now, with his supporters regrouping and Voldemort himself searching for a host, Harry must learn what it means to be a wizard and the true meaning of friendship if he is to face Voldemort.
The Harry Potter series is arguably one of the most loved books of all time and has sold the most number of copies in history! J. K, Rowling's first installation, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone had me hooked from the start. I loved it, children and adults alike love it, and you will love it too. If you haven't already gotten to it, it's never too late and no one is to old to appreciate this timeless neo- classic.
The Harry Potter series is arguably one of the most loved books of all time and has sold the most number of copies in history! J. K, Rowling's first installation, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone had me hooked from the start. I loved it, children and adults alike love it, and you will love it too. If you haven't already gotten to it, it's never too late and no one is to old to appreciate this timeless neo- classic.
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