In the aftermath of the Triwizard Tournament, the Dark Lord Voldemort has been resurrected using Harry's blood, Cedric Diggory has been killed and Harry's life has been changed forever. However, things once again take a turn for the worse. At every turn, the Ministry of Magic is furiously trying to discredit both Harry and Professor Dumbledore and put down their claims that Voldemort has returned. In addition, the Ministry has appointed a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge, who begins to take school matters into her own hands. As Voldemort's power and influence grows and as the Ministry begins to take control of Hogwarts, Harry and his friends must fight against two very powerful foes while retaining their friendship and humanity. Deep in the Ministry of Magic, within the Department of Mysteries, there lies a Prophesy, one that will decide the fate of the wizarding world, and ours, and will dictate the lives of Harry and all he loves. Both Harry and Voldemort need this relic, yet only one can obtain it. It is the weapon the Dark Lord did not have last time he surfaced and tried to gain total power, and the weapon around which both their lives depend.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a great installment in the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, and the scene within the Department of Mysteries is both sad, triumphant and completely riveting. One of my favorites in the series. I loved this book and hope you do too.