The Warlock (Book Five, The Secrets of the Immortal Flamel)

After the battle in Enoch Enterprises, John Dee is once again on the run. His plan to destroy the Elder Race using the Archon, Coatlque, failed, having been vanquished by Flamel and the Twins of Legend. However, Josh, in the aftermath of the battle, has joined Dee and turned against his sister, Flamel and the Prophesy. Flamel, shocked and astonished by Josh's betrayal, has lapsed into a coma, doubtful ever to regain consciousness. As Nicholas lies on his deathbed, Perenelle reveals a last ray of hope. With the help of Sophie's aura, she can give Nicholas an extra day of life, in exchange for one of her own. On Alcatraz, Machiavelli, Billy the Kid, Dee, Dare, and Josh have reunited, determined to bring about the end of the Elders. Dee has come up with with one final, not to mention insane, plan. He will use the four elemental swords, Excalibur, Clarent, Durendal, and Joyesue (Ice, Fire, Air and Earth) to open a portal to Danu Talis, Atlantis, original home of the Elders. He plans to travel back ten thousand years and murder the Elders, all of them, before the series even began.

The Warlock is the penultimate book in the series. The next, and last, book is The Enchantress. Michael Scott has also written numerous other short stories relating to the series such as the Vampires of Vegas featuring Billy the Kid.

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