The Necromancer (Book Four, The Secrets of the Immortal Flamel)

After failing once again to capture Nicholas Flamel and the Twins, Dee has been proclamed Utlaga, an outlaw, by his Elder masters. Dee is now is being chased by his former 'comrades' for failing one too many times. Perenelle, with the help of the Elder Areop-Enap, my favorite of he Elder race--a fifty foot arachnid with a human head--has managed to defeat the Sphinx and escape Alcatraz, leaving Machiavelli and Billy the Kid stranded upon the island. Sophie, Josh and Nicholas have finally returned to San Francisco to teach Sophie Earth Magic and Josh Fire Magic. However, their homecoming is cut short as two strangers, one who claims to be the sister of Scathatch 'the Shadow' (Scatty), appear at the Newman's doorstep and kidnap Sophie. Dee, along with his new ally, the Immortal Virginia Dare, have also arrived in San Francisco, but for an entirely different reason. They plan to resurrect the Mother of the Gods from the dead and use her to destroy the Elders once and for all. But, in order for Dee to bend it to his will, he needs blood. He needs a sacrifice. He needs a pure gold aura.

You must all be thinking, "The Necromancer." The Author Michael Scott must be talking about Dee as the Titular Character.  Right? . . .  WRONG! When I first discovered who was the Title Character, I was surprised. As it turns out, The Necromancer is actually . . . 

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