Max McDaniels lives with his father in the suburbs of Chicago. He lives a normal life, aside from the fact that his mother disappeared when he was young. One day, while visiting the Chicago Museum of Art, Max stumbles into a restricted section of the museum. In the section is a lone faded tapestry hanging on the wall. However, when Max moves closer to inspect it, it blooms into full color and begins to spark and move. Scared yet transfixed, he flees the room, only to discover that, although it only felt like minutes, he had been missing for hours. After this strange incident, Max receives a letter from a mysterious school, Rowan Academy, and is invited to attend. In his dreams that night, he is visited by a hag who attacks him when he tries to run from her. The next day, shaken, he is given a series of tests, by a 'Recruiter"from Rowan, that are required to attend the school. Max passes with flying colors. When he arrives at Rowan, Max is thrown into a world he could never have imagined. Filled with magic, warfare, allies, and an Enemy far greater than anything a mere mortal could comprehend, Rowan tests Max to his limit. Does he have the will to survive, or will the Enemy get to him first?
The Hound of Rowan by Henry H. Neff is a magical and complex book, filled to the brim with intricate characters and wonderful creatures. I loved it as soon as I began reading its first pages.
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