Astaroth has obtained the Book of Thoth, defeated Rowan in battle and reshaped the world, destroying all technology and plunging the world into another Dark Age. The men and women of Rowan Academy desperately hold onto the ashes of civilization. However, as long as they don't oppose the now Demon-ruled kingdoms, and the rules Astaroth has set in place, they shall not be harmed or destroyed. Rowan, amidst the death and destruction, has become a beacon of hope for all humanity. Runaways and refugees stream in, filling Rowan to it's capacity. To some, the fragile peace with Astaroth is a beacon of hope. To others, like Max McDaniels, this peace is a prison in disguise. Not content to stand by and let everything he fought for turn to waste, he sets out to the Demon Kingdoms, modern day Europe, to discover what lays ahead for the human race. The journey is long and difficult, however, the rewards are great. Through his trek, Max discovers the truth behind the Demons, and the truth behind one that is more frightening than anything Max could have ever imagined.
The Fiend and the Forge by Neff is my favorite in the series thus far. I am in the middle of The Maelstrom, the 4th book, so my vote might change. Either way, The Fiend and the Forge is a wondrous creation with scenes that will make you laugh and scenes that will make you cry. Towards the end, Neff adds a story line that I never expected, and about which I am still grieving.