Japan is in chaos. The Daimyo (Lord) Kamakura, Kazuki's father, has declared war against the Emperor and Christians. Samurai are forced to take sides, including the students of Niten Ichi Ryu. Flung into a bloody conflict, Jack must use all of the skills he knows and has learned to simply stay alive. Now that Dragon Eye has the Rutter, it is imperative that Jack do everything in his power to retrieve it and to stop it from falling further into the wrong hands. With death waiting at every corner, enemies skulking in the streets and Dragon Eye on his tail to eliminate loose ends, Jack must turn to his friends and teachers to defeat Dragon Eye, and Kamakura in this final battle. Amidst the chaos, Jack needs to learn, and perfect, the Two Heavens technique, a deadly form using two swords created by his teacher Masamoto, to slay Dragon Eye once and for all, and to bring peace and justice to all who have broken their vows. Will Kamakura and his soldiers kill them all first, or will Jack finally make it back to England, alive and well?
The Way of the Dragon is filled with action, ninjas, samurai, betrayal, friendship, and hope. This fast paced book is sure to hook fans of the series instantly and ensnare newcomers with it's likable characters and believable environments. I highly recommend this book and this series.
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