In the sixth epic installment of the Temeraire Series, Will Laurence and Temeraire have been sent to the land of New South Wales, as punishment for their "treason,"supplying the French with the dragon plague cure. The military governor, William Bligh, has been overthrown in the Rum Rebellion and the colony is in chaos. Laurence receives a letter from the British, three dragon eggs are being transported and Laurence has been chosen to find suitable breeding grounds. The three eggs arrive and Laurence leaves the colony but, when an egg is stolen, the scouting mission becomes a desperate retrieval mission across Australia. Accompanied by his dragon and loyal crew, Laurence sets off to recover the egg or never return to the colony. As their journey lengthens, the chances of retrieving the egg, as well as survival, become slimmer as they trudge through all forms of environment and face all forms of danger, including a silent killer that stalks in the night.
Tongues of Serpents was an exhilarating read, full of suspense, action and mystery. Novik expertly describes the futility of Laurence's mission and how the human spirit can always offer a ray of sunshine in the darkness.
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