In the sixth epic installment of the Temeraire Series, Will Laurence and Temeraire have been sent to the land of New South Wales, as punishment for their "treason,"supplying the French with the dragon plague cure. The military governor, William Bligh, has been overthrown in the Rum Rebellion and the colony is in chaos. Laurence receives a letter from the British, three dragon eggs are being transported and Laurence has been chosen to find suitable breeding grounds. The three eggs arrive and Laurence leaves the colony but, when an egg is stolen, the scouting mission becomes a desperate retrieval mission across Australia. Accompanied by his dragon and loyal crew, Laurence sets off to recover the egg or never return to the colony. As their journey lengthens, the chances of retrieving the egg, as well as survival, become slimmer as they trudge through all forms of environment and face all forms of danger, including a silent killer that stalks in the night.
Tongues of Serpents was an exhilarating read, full of suspense, action and mystery. Novik expertly describes the futility of Laurence's mission and how the human spirit can always offer a ray of sunshine in the darkness.
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Book and Comic Series
Victory of Eagles (Book Five, Temeraire Series)
Victory of Eagles is packed full of action, and aerial battles, as well as drama and suspense. Novik brings her characters, especially the dragons, to life as she depicts their emotions towards their captains as never before.
Empire of Ivory (Book Four, Temeraire Series)
Plague has spread across the British Isles. Dragons everywhere are falling sick and dying, that is, except for Temeraire. Realizing the importance of his immunity, the British government chooses to send Temeraire, and his captain William Laurence, to try to find a cure. Sent to the jungles of Africa by way of ship, Laurence and Temeriare must cut their way across the massive continent before time runs out. Meanwhile, Napoleon's power is growing and is taking advantage of the Areal Corps' weakness by planning a full-fledged invasion of Britain. The clock is ticking and Laurence must find the cure before it is too late, for the dragons and for Britain. When Napoleon's dragons fall ill too, Laurence must make a decision that will change his life forever.
Empire of Ivory is full of suspense, action, plot twists and, most importantly, new dragons. This book was so riveting that it was almost impossible to tear myself away until it was finished. Like the other books in the series, the language in which Novik writes compliments the novel and the era, making this book and this series a thrill ride.
Empire of Ivory is full of suspense, action, plot twists and, most importantly, new dragons. This book was so riveting that it was almost impossible to tear myself away until it was finished. Like the other books in the series, the language in which Novik writes compliments the novel and the era, making this book and this series a thrill ride.
Black Powder War (Book Three, Temeriare Series)
After their daring adventure in Book Two where our heroes are sent to China and embroiled in an Imperial scandal, Captain William Laurence of the British Areal Corp., a brave and loyal soldier as well as friend to many, and his dragon Temeriare, must journey West to secure one of Britain's more "Eastern Fronts". Unbeknownst to Laurence, the British have made a deal with the Ottomans that will result in the sale of three dragon eggs to His Majesty's Army. However, before the deal can be made, the British ambassador in Istanbul dies of "unknown causes." Laurence and Temeriare are sent to secure the eggs, and peace with the Turks, although, there are those, in Istanbul and beyond, who would see them fail. With the global war against Napoleon still raging throughout Europe, most viciously in Prussia, will the eggs turn the tide of the war, of will the French throttle all resistance?
Black Powder War is full of action, suspense, and romance with an element of mystery that kept me up into the wee hours of the night, craving more. Naomi Novik skillfully integrates history, in a convincing and compelling manner, into her novels and explores how dragons would influence the social, political, and economical tides of the period.
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Black Powder War is full of action, suspense, and romance with an element of mystery that kept me up into the wee hours of the night, craving more. Naomi Novik skillfully integrates history, in a convincing and compelling manner, into her novels and explores how dragons would influence the social, political, and economical tides of the period.
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Throne of Jade (Book Two in the Temeraire Series)
After momentarily vanquishing Napoleon during his attempt to conquer Britain, Laurence and Temeraire settle down for a little rest. A Chinese embassy arrives to claim that Temeraire was not supposed to "fall" into British hands, therefore, Temeraire must return to China. Not wanting the two nations to go to war, Britain agrees. Of course, over the past few months, Temeraire has grown attached to Laurence. The embassy reluctantly arrives at a decision -- if Temeraire must go to China, then so will Laurence. Literally "shipped" to China, Laurence, Temeraire and their friends are thrown into a world of ghosts, gold, silk, ninja assasins, and a scandal so large it's twisting tendrils reach up to the Emperor of China himself.
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What did you think about Throne of Jade? Post below.
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