Seeing Redd (Book Two, The Looking Glass Wars)

The battle for Wonderland is over. Redd's forces lie defeated while Redd herself and the Cat, her loyal assassin, have fled to the human world. With her nemesis defeated, Alyss Heart, now Queen of Wonderland, must learn to cope with the everyday life of ruling a nation. Accompanied everywhere by the new Royal Bodyguard, Homburg Molly, Alyss must balance fleeting private moments with constant public demands and rumors. To worsen matters, someone is sending hundreds of Glass Eyes, Redd's super-soldiers, to terrorize Wonderland. With threat after threat piling upon Alyss' shoulders, what will the young queen do? Meanwhile, Redd and the Cat, having reemerged in the human world through a painting, now plot to retake Wonderland and crush White Imagination once and for all. However, another threat has reared its head. In the Borderlands, a device is being created, one that, if detonated, could destroy Imagination forever.

Seeing Redd is the second of Frank Beddor's Looking Glass Wars. While not my favorite, the third book is worth the perseverance. Seeing Redd is still a must read for all fantasy fans. 

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