The Burning Bridge (Book Two, Ranger's Apprentice)

The battle against the Kalkara is over. Both of Morgarath's monstrous assassins are dead. Halt, Will, Baron Arald, and Sir Rodney all survived, not unscathed, but alive. Sent to the neighboring nation of Celtica as an emissary, Will, his friend and Battleschool apprentice, Horace, and Halt's former apprentice, Gilan, find a very dire situation. All of the villages of Celtica have either been destroyed or abandoned. The situation worsens when a young girl named Evanlyn, a survivor, reveals that the Wargals, servants of Morgarath, were the culprits. Gilan leaves Will, Horace and Evanlyn to report to King Duncan what they have discovered. As they wait for Gilan's return, a Wargal raiding party passes them, prisoners in tow. The group simply cannot miss this golden opportunity to find Morgarath's base of operations. After miles of trailing the Wargals, they make a startling discovery. Morgarath has formed an alliance with the Skandians, a fierce nation of men from the north, and is building a bridge across the impassible fissure that separates them from Araluen. To stop the imminent invasion, Will must act quickly and do the one thing he can. Burn the bridge.

The Burning Bridge is the last book that features Wargals and Morgarath. John Flanagan also introduces the Skandians in this book, whom he also features in books 3 through 7, and book 10.

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