Foundation (Book Two, Foundation Series)

When the Galactic Empire began to fall in Prelude, the Psychohistorian Hari Seldon gathered all the the brightest minds in the Empire. Now, he has brought them to a small planet at the edge of the galaxy. He has created the Foundation. Its goal, using the Seldon Plan, is to reduce the projected 30,000 years of barbarism to  come into a mere millennium and to bring about a Second Empire. At first the Foundation seems to be following the Seldon Plan perfectly. That is, until powerful warlords begin to rise in the wake of the Empire's slow fall. Faced with threats from all directions, the Foundation seems doomed after all.

Foundation is filled with action, adventure, suspense, and a projection of what the world might be like in 10,000 years. Asimov perfectly envisions  long sweeps of future history, and crafts the idea that no matter how bleak the situation, human ingenuity can, and will, prevail. 

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