Victory of Eagles (Book Five, Temeraire Series)

In book five, Captain William Laurence has been convicted of treason for doing what he thought was right, delivering the dragon plague cure to the French. Now sentenced to hang, only Will knows about Britain's upcoming fate, an all out attack from Napoleon who has hopes to crush his enemy once and for all. Meanwhile, in England, Temeraire has been put into a breeding pen and is not allowed to leave. Convinced that Laurence was killed, Temeraire starts an uprising of dragons to fight Napoleon, but there are many challenges along the way to victory. Laurence convinces the British to give him time so that he can find Temeriare and thus begins his trek. Napoleon draws closer and the two nations, Britain and France, prepare for their showdown to the East. Will the British survive this pitched battle or will the French finally triumph over their enemies?

Victory of Eagles is packed full of action, and aerial battles, as well as drama and suspense. Novik brings her characters, especially the dragons, to life as she depicts their emotions towards their captains as never before.

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