The Enchantress (Book Six, The Secrets of the Immortal Flamel)

The final battle for our world, and for all worlds, has begun. The Time: Ten thousand years ago. The Place: Danu Talis, Atlantis, original home of the Elders. Machivelli and Billy the Kid have betrayed Dee, refusing to release the monsters of Alcatraz, and are now being attacked by the creatures they helped to collect and harbor. Separately, Dee, Dare, Josh and Sophie have all arrived on Danu Talis. Almost immediately, however, they are met by a strange welcoming party, the Elders  Isis and Osiris. Dee's Masters and . . . Sophie and Josh's parents. Not far away, Marethyu, the Hook-handed man, has led Scatty, Joan of Arc, Saint-Germain, Palamedes, and William Shakespeare to the island kingdom as well, to assist in the upcoming battle, the sinking of Danu Talis. The current ruler, Aten, has been deposed by his brother Anubis and mother Bastet who plan to take the kingdom for themselves. However, Isis and Osiris have a different agenda, they will use Sophie and Josh, the supposed rightful rulers of Danu Talis, to take power. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel ends with this stunning conclusion. All will be revealed and it's anyone's guess who will make it home alive.

The Enchantress is an absolute joy of a book. It is filled to the brim with gods, historical figures, battles, suspense, and a jaw dropping finale. In The Enchantress, we finally learn the identity of my favorite character: Marethyu, the Hook-handed man. (Hint: He is someone we have already met.)

The Warlock (Book Five, The Secrets of the Immortal Flamel)

After the battle in Enoch Enterprises, John Dee is once again on the run. His plan to destroy the Elder Race using the Archon, Coatlque, failed, having been vanquished by Flamel and the Twins of Legend. However, Josh, in the aftermath of the battle, has joined Dee and turned against his sister, Flamel and the Prophesy. Flamel, shocked and astonished by Josh's betrayal, has lapsed into a coma, doubtful ever to regain consciousness. As Nicholas lies on his deathbed, Perenelle reveals a last ray of hope. With the help of Sophie's aura, she can give Nicholas an extra day of life, in exchange for one of her own. On Alcatraz, Machiavelli, Billy the Kid, Dee, Dare, and Josh have reunited, determined to bring about the end of the Elders. Dee has come up with with one final, not to mention insane, plan. He will use the four elemental swords, Excalibur, Clarent, Durendal, and Joyesue (Ice, Fire, Air and Earth) to open a portal to Danu Talis, Atlantis, original home of the Elders. He plans to travel back ten thousand years and murder the Elders, all of them, before the series even began.

The Warlock is the penultimate book in the series. The next, and last, book is The Enchantress. Michael Scott has also written numerous other short stories relating to the series such as the Vampires of Vegas featuring Billy the Kid.

The Necromancer (Book Four, The Secrets of the Immortal Flamel)

After failing once again to capture Nicholas Flamel and the Twins, Dee has been proclamed Utlaga, an outlaw, by his Elder masters. Dee is now is being chased by his former 'comrades' for failing one too many times. Perenelle, with the help of the Elder Areop-Enap, my favorite of he Elder race--a fifty foot arachnid with a human head--has managed to defeat the Sphinx and escape Alcatraz, leaving Machiavelli and Billy the Kid stranded upon the island. Sophie, Josh and Nicholas have finally returned to San Francisco to teach Sophie Earth Magic and Josh Fire Magic. However, their homecoming is cut short as two strangers, one who claims to be the sister of Scathatch 'the Shadow' (Scatty), appear at the Newman's doorstep and kidnap Sophie. Dee, along with his new ally, the Immortal Virginia Dare, have also arrived in San Francisco, but for an entirely different reason. They plan to resurrect the Mother of the Gods from the dead and use her to destroy the Elders once and for all. But, in order for Dee to bend it to his will, he needs blood. He needs a sacrifice. He needs a pure gold aura.

You must all be thinking, "The Necromancer." The Author Michael Scott must be talking about Dee as the Titular Character.  Right? . . .  WRONG! When I first discovered who was the Title Character, I was surprised. As it turns out, The Necromancer is actually . . . 

The Sorceress (Book Three, The Secrets of the Immortal Flamel)

France is in chaos. On Dee and Machiavelli''s bidding, the Nidhogg leveled most of Paris in it's rampaging attempt to destroy the Twins of Legend, Sophie and Josh Newman. Failing to capture Sophie and Josh or Nicholas Flamel, Dee  and Machiavelli are now in disfavor with their Dark Elder masters. Sophie, Josh and Nicholas have fled to London, seeking asylum from Dee and hoping to gain new allies as well. Flamel knows that he must teach the twins the next elemental magic, Water Magic, if they are to fulfill their destiny as the Twins of Legend, the only ones who can save the world from the Dark Elders. However, the one person who can teach them this Magic is Gilgamesh the King. The only setback, the last time he saw Nicholas Flamel, Gilgamesh thought the Alchemist was trying to kill him. Meanwhile, half way across the world, on Alcatraz, Perenelle Flamel, Nicholas' wife, is still being held on the Island at the mercy of the Sphinx. To survive, she will need to find allies in the most unexpected of places. Luckily, she may have found one, on Alcatraz itself.

The Sorceress is the third book in the series, and the first book in which we meet the Archons, the race that ruled the world before the Elders and Great Elders. Recently, Lorenzo di Bonaventura revealed that he will be producing a movie version of the series. I can't wait to see it!!!

The Magician (Book Two, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)

Barely escaping Dee's undead army in Ojai, Sophie and Josh Newman, by way of Leygate, the secret pathways that span the Earth, have arrived in Paris, the city of Flamel's birth. However, their arrival didn't go unnoticed. Niccolo Machiavelli -- Immortal, art collector, master manipulator, head of the French Secret Service, and servant of the Dark Elders -- is on their trail. After their near capture at Sacre Coeur in Montmartre, Nicholas realizes that they have few places to turn for asylum. As Machiavelli draws closer to capturing them with each attempt, Flamel realizes that he needs an ally. The Comte de Saint Germain -- one of Flamel's original students, Immortal, adventurer, charlatan, alchemyst, and rock star -- is just the man for the job. After Dee's destruction of the Yggdrasil, The World Tree, something was awakened, so powerful that it could destroy the world, The Nidhogg. Flamel describes this monstrosity from Norse legend as a cross between a giant snake and a dragon. John Dee is willing to take this risk to capture Flamel and the twins, perfectly willing.

The Magician is filled to the brim with historical references and characters from mythology. The titular character is Dee, court magician for Queen Elizabeth and the character on which James Bond, 007, is based. An exciting blend of magic, history an modern technology, The Magician is a joyride for all ages. 

The Alchemyst (Book One, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)

Sophie and Josh Newman are ordinary Fifteen-year-old siblings living in San Francisco. They consider themselves lucky to be working in stores just across the street from each other, under the watchful eyes of Nick and Perry Fleming, the owners of the stores. However, one sunny summer day, a strange man enters Nick's bookshop, smelling of sulfur. The man claims to be Dr. John Dee, a Magician and Alchemyst that lived hundreds of years ago. Dee destroys the bookstore where Josh works, kidnaps Perry, and steals a single book. Stunned and horrified, Sophie and Josh make a series of startling discoveries. First and foremost, they learn that Nick and Perry Fleming are actually Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, famed Alchemysts who lived hundreds of years ago. The Flamels tell them that the myths and legends of gods and heroes actually weren't legends, but fact. They also learn that gods walked the Earth thousands of years ago. Known as Elders, some were good, others evil. Some wished to work with humans, others, known as Dark Elders, wished to destroy humanity. These Elders had the ability to grant humans, known as humani, immortality and that many major historical figures were granted immortality. However, with explanations and time limited, Sophie and Josh now need to act fast. The book Dee stole was known as the Codex, a book containing all of the secrets of the world. With it, Dee plans to release the Dark Elders upon the Earth, turning civilization as we know it to dust. The most shocking revelation is that within the Codex lies a prophecy, thousands of years old, that has to do with them, Sophie and Josh Newman, the Twins of Legend.

The Alchemyst is a thrilling book, filled with an excellent mix of fantasy, myth and action. One of the most interesting aspects of the series is that every character, aside from Sophie and Josh, are either from myth or history. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel is one of the few fantasy series the doesn't include a love story. If you're looking for love, you will be disappointed. Aside from that small point, The Alchemyst is a truly great book!