In the epic final installment of the Foundation Series, we turn back the pendulum 500 years, back to the time of Hari Seldon. Taking place ten years after Prelude to Foundation, Seldon is finally beginning to perfect his science of Psychohistory, the science of predicting the future. For once, he feels that there will be peace in his life. However, there are those who would use Psychohistory as a weapon, a weapon to control the Galatic Empire. Slowly, as his life crumbles around him, Seldon starts to doubt himself and wonders if there is hope for Psychohistory, and the fate of humanity, after all. Amidst the bleackness of life in a receding Empire, a light appears, a hope. A hope that begins with Psychohistory, his own granddaughter, the Foundation, and the will to begin anew.
Forward the foundation was one of Asimov's last novels, published after his death. It is the "crowning jewel of a great author's life." Aside from Prelude to Foundation, Forward the Foundation is the only Foundation Novel that focuses on Hari Seldon as a main character, not some mythical figure as he is depicted in all of the other books.