Dusk is a young Chiropter, a prehistoric bat, son of the leader of his colony. However, Dusk is regarded as a mutant and a freak for one simple reason, while most Chiropters have simple gliding sails to move between trees, Dusk has wings. He can fly. Even though he tries to suppress his urges to fly, for fear of being tormented by others even more, sometimes the impulses become too great. One fateful day, Dusk's colony is attacked by Felids, a prehistoric feline, and many, including his mother, are killed. Shade, the only Chiropter in the clan who can echolocate, must use his skills to find his colony a new home. Along the way there are many trials, desertions, death and loss that push Shade and his vigilant followers to the limit. However, while the costs are great, the rewards are greater. The fate of Shade's colony hangs in the balance. Will Shade be able to find a home for the rag-tag group of survivors, or will the creatures and the barren landscape of the wilds beyonds destroy them all?
Darkwing is the Prequel to the Silverwing Trilogy. Full of actual prehistoric creatures, Darkwing is sure to entice prehistory lovers and Oppel fans as well. Kenneth Oppel is also the author of the Airborn Trilogy. I loved this book for its realistic portrayal of the prehistoric world and what prehistoric life could have been like, cruel but hopeful.