A Dance with Dragons (Book 5, A Song of Ice and Fire)

Across the world, dissent, sorrow, and agitation are rampant. North, Jon Snow, 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, has been housing King Stannis Baratheon at The Wall after his crushing defeat at Blackwater Bay. Now, Stannis is growing impatient, wanting to continue his conquest of Westeros. However, the Night's Watch is sworn to not take sides in any war or conflict, and a rift in the Watch slowly grows. Across the Narrow Sea, Tyrion Lannister has fled from Westeros after murdering his father, Tywin. Tyrion now searches for the one person who can insure his survival, The Silver Queen, Danaerys Targaryen. In the grand city of Meereen, on the coast of Slaver's Bay, Danaerys Targaryen, alleged heir to the Iron Throne, former ruler of all of Slaver's Bay, rules now over a city on the brink of chaos. The other cities of Slaver's Bay, Yunkai and Astapor, have risen in rebellion against their former ruler, Danaerys, while the fanatical extremist group, The Sons of the Harpy, kill her soldiers in the black of night.

A Dance of Dragons is an exhilarating read, with fast-paced action, puzzling mystery that leaves you wondering, "Wow! . . . what's going to happen next?" Dance is an epic romance with page-turning cliffhangers that will leave you burning the midnight oil.

(Recommended for a mature audience, ages 14 and up)

A Feast for Crows (Book Four, A Song of Ice and Fire)

The War of Five Kings has ended. Joffrey is dead. His brother Tommen has ascendded the Iron Throne. Stannis Baratheon, in desperation after his crushing defeat at Blackwater Bay, sets his sights on a colder target, one that will supply all of his needs for a second strike for the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, up at The Wall, Samwell Tarly, Sworn Brother of the Night's Watch, receives a mission to travel to Oldtown, far to the south, to begin his training as a Maester. With Balon Greyjoy's death as the last Iron King, an historic event is taking place: the Kingsmoot, the legendary gathering that will decide the next Iron King. Far to the south, in the desert kingdom of Dorne, unrest is spreading. Arianne Martell, Princess of Dorne, has hatched a daring plan to crown Princess Myrcella Baratheon, sister of King Tommen, as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms in order to ignite civil war between siblings. Filled with war, lust, plots and counterplots, A Feast for Crows is truly a feast for the mind.

A Feast for Crows is a truly great book, filled with twisting story arcs and complex characters. Martin challenges the reader to keep up with it's fast-paced chapters. In this book, the reader takes a 'break' from the usual set of characters and are introduced to a whole new group.

A Storm of Swords (Book Three, A Song of Ice and Fire)

The War of Five Kings is raging on: Renly Baratheon is dead, his army scattered; Balon Greyjoy and his Ironborn have risen in the North, his power growing; Stannis's failed attempt to take King's Landing has put him in disfavor; and Robb Stark has been defeating the Lannisters, battle after battle. Some Kings' power grow, others wane. It seems like there is no end in sight to this bloody Civil War. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenarys's power is growing, like her dragons, conquering city after city, no end in sight, no closer to Westeros. Beyond The Wall, dark forces are brewing, threatening to bring down The Wall, civilization, and all it stands for. The only thing standing in its way, Jon Snow and the Night's Watch. Deceit piles upon deceit as the epic story unfolds, war rages, and the Seven Kingdoms are shaken to their foundations.

Storm is a great read for those people who love a fantastic mystery story, fans of ASoIaF will not be disapointed. With intertwining plot lines woven together, this book will keep you up until all hours of the night, wondering what will happen next. 

A Clash of Kings (Book Two, A Song of Ice and Fire)

In the second epic installment to A Song of Ice and Fire, the land of Westeros is in chaos: Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark are dead; Robert's son, Joffrey, has ascended the Iron Throne; and the Lannisters, Starks, and Baratheons have all declared war on each other. The War of Five Kings has begun. Far to the North, beyond The Wall, Jon Snow and the members of the Night's Watch are scouting in search of the mysterious and highly dangerous wildlings. Meanwhile, across the Narrow Sea, Daenarys Targaryen, last of the Targaryens and heir to the Iron Throne, has been abandoned by her khalassar and, along with a few loyal companions, has been left to rot in the Red Wastes. Across the world, there is chaos, turmoil, death, destruction, and war. All seems lost for the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. Lurking in a frozen land as far north as north goes, lies a great evil. One that, if awakened, could spell the doom of the human race.

One of the most popular books in the series, A Clash of Kings is a masterfully woven tale, filled with epic plot-lines, savage betrayals, flawlessly crafted characters and a vast setting amidst a war-torn landscape. Recently, the Second Season of Game of Thrones was released, based on Clash. 

(Recommended of ages 14 and older)  

A Game of Thrones (Book One, A Song of Ice and Fire)

Seven Kingdoms, One King . . . That is how Westeros is ruled. Fourteen years ago, Robert Baratheon usurped the Iron Throne in his Rebellion against the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen. All is well, or so it seems.  Far to the north live the Starks of Winterfell, wardens of the north and loyal subjects to the Throne. However, one day when the Hand of the King is mysteriously killed, King Robert travels to the north to anoint his long time friend, Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, as his new Hand. Forced to journey south, Eddard and his daughters are transported to a new world, while the rest of his family remains behind at Winterfell while Brandon Stark, middle son of Eddard, recovers from a mysterious "fall." Eddard and his daughters arrive at King's Landing ton find themselves enmeshed in a world of almost endless summers, deceit, incest, honor, battles, and most importantly, a game. A game where 'you win or you die'. A Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones is an extraordinarily intricate and compelling story of an alternate history filled with mysticism and real human motivation that is never measured in black or white. Unlike many characters in the fantasy genre, Martin's characters are not epic Villains or Heroes, but many shades of grey.  Comprised of extensively detailed plots and characters (210 as of the first book, with additional characters entering later), the challenge of the series is keeping track of the many characters and entwined plot lines. Recently this book was turned into an HBO series by the same name. Season Two (Book Two) has just been released.

(Recommended for ages 14 and older)