Winter of the World (Book Two, Century Trilogy)

It has been nearly a decade since the events of Fall of Giants unfolded, and since he the First World War ravaged the earth. It is now 1933. Hitler is beginning his rise to power and the world has fallen into economic depression. Germany's relations with other nations is strained, the setting is ripe for another conflict, one even greater than it's predecessor. Once again we join five families, one German, one British, one Welsh, one Russian, and one American, on the journey, and the fight, of a lifetime. Carla Von Ulrich, the daughter of Walter and Maud, lives in Berlin. However, when war erupts she finds that her life, and the lives of those around her, is changed forever. Lloyd Williams, the illegitimate son of Ethel and Fitz, never knew his true father. However, when Lloyd is flung into battle, both in England, his home, and abroad, he comes closer to the realization of his true heritage, the son of a nobleman. Volodya (Vladimir) Peshkov, the son of Lev, but fathered by his uncle, Grigori, is a member of the Russian Intelligence Agency. He is a spy. When the war begins and Volodya is sent to the lion's den, Berlin,  every turn could mean certain death, or worse. These five interconnected families managed to survive the Great War, but, will they manage to escape this war with their lives, and their humanity?

Ken Follet takes his series to a whole new level of awesomeness in this truly fantastic novel. Like its predecessor, Fall of Giants, it captures the horrors of strife and conflict, while, at the same time, crafts characters with unimaginable depth. I loved this book, and hope you do too. To read the previous blog about Fall of Giants CLICK HERE.

Fall of Giants (Book One, Century Trilogy)

It is the year 1914, dark clouds are gathering and tensions are rising across borders and across the world. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria has just been assassinated; the world is at war. Lev and Grigori Peshkov have always dreamed of journeying to America, but their plans go amiss as Russia is flung into a revolution. Gus Dewar, an American law student, finds himself in Wilson's White House when he is needed most. Billy Williams is a worker in the Welsh coal mines, but his life changes as he is drafted into the British Army. Walter Von Ulrich is a German spy in the German embassy in London, however, when he falls in love the Lady Maud Fitzherbert both their lives, and their destinies will never be the same. Join these people and their families as they make their way across a blood soaked planet and change the world around them.

Ken Folett spins a masterful tale of war, peace, lust, spite, and betrayal. Amidst a backdrop of famous historical figures, like Vladimir Lenin, King Charles V and Woodrow Wilson, Follet's characters range from Earls to railway workers, all united by the single goal: to end the war. The first of Follet's Century Trilogy, Fall of Giants is the perfect story for people who are fascinated with history and the 20th Century, particularly WWI, and who love intricate plot lines, and complex characters. Stay tuned for the second in the series coming in late 2012.

(Recommended for ages 14 and older)

Bitterblue (Book Two, Graceling Trilogy)

It has been eight long years since King Leck's death at the hands of Katsa. His daughter, Bitterblue, is now the Queen of Monsea. However, remnants of Leck's horrific thirty-five year reign still endure. Through his grace of mental manipulation, the mad King put the entire nation under his spell, allowing him to commit heinous crimes. Bitterblue embarks on a journey to piece together the puzzle of her father's reign, and piece together a nation shattered by a madman, her father. Her quest for the truth takes her across the capital she once knew and forces her to unearth secrets that would, if revealed, shatter Monsea in it's entirety. Through her crusade, she discovers two thieves that may hold the answers she seeks. One of them, a Graceling with an unknown Grace, or an extraordinary gift, may hold her heart in the palm of his hand. As questions are answered and more arise, the stakes change. Bitterblue traces Leck's corruption and atrocities to a place where she least expects, and where she most fears.

Bitterblue is the second book in the Graceling series, third if you put the books in the order they were written by Kristin Cashore. Of the two that I have read to date, Graceling and Bitterblue, I haven't read Fire yet, I would probably say that Graceling is my favorite. However, Cashore's Bitterblue is still a truly amazing book, with likable characters and plots twists that leave you gaping, like me. One unexpected facet of this book is the development of the character Leck, and the reader's gradual realization of how twisted Leck truly was.

Graceling (Book One, Graceling Trilogy)

Katsa has been able to kill a man since she was eight years old. She is a Graceling, one of the people in the land blessed with great skills, called Graces. Graces can be different. However, one thing remains the same, Gracelings always have two colored eyes. Katsa's Grace is killing. Realizing this, Katsa's uncle, the evil King Randa, King of the nation of Middluns, uses Katsa as his thug, forcing her to torture and kill any who displease him. Now, after many years, all of the Seven Kingdoms of the realm believe her to be a bloodthirsty killer. Disgusted over what she has become, Katsa creates the Council, a group of people dedicated to help and protect those in trouble and oppression. On a mission for the Council, rescuing the father of the King of Lienid, one the Seven  Kingdoms, she meets another Graeling. Amazingly, the newcomer can match her in combat. However, she knocks him out and escapes, along with the King's father. When the Graceling she once fought before shows up at Randa's court and introduces himself as the King of Lienid's seventh son, known as Prince Po, her life changes forever. The two become friends and Po convinces her to stop working for Randa. Then, her life altered, Katsa sets out with Po to discover who would kidnap his Grandfather. The journey is long and hard, but the trail leads to something far more sinister than either could even imagined.

I love Graceling! It is filled with the perfect balance of action, evil plots, evil kings, a fight for justice, and romance. Kristin Cashore has crafted characters that are compellingly complex and a world that is brilliantly envisioned.