Forward the Foundation (Book 7, Foundation Series)

In the epic final installment of the Foundation Series, we turn back the pendulum 500 years, back to the time of Hari Seldon. Taking place ten years after Prelude to Foundation, Seldon is finally beginning to perfect his science of Psychohistory, the science of predicting the future. For once, he feels that there will be peace in his life. However, there are those who would use Psychohistory as a weapon, a weapon to control the Galatic Empire. Slowly, as his life crumbles around him, Seldon starts to doubt himself and wonders if there is hope for Psychohistory, and the fate of humanity, after all. Amidst the bleackness of life in a receding Empire, a light appears, a hope. A hope that begins with Psychohistory, his own granddaughter, the Foundation, and the will to begin anew.

Forward the foundation was one of Asimov's last novels, published after his death. It is the "crowning jewel of a great author's life." Aside from Prelude to Foundation, Forward the Foundation is the only Foundation Novel that focuses on Hari Seldon as a main character, not some mythical figure as he is depicted in all of the other books.  

Foundation and Earth (Book Six, Foundation Series)

Golan Trevize, former Councilman of the Foundation, has dodged danger at every turn, evaded the Second and First Foundation's spies, discovered the strange living planet Gaia and decided the fate of the Seldon Plan (and the Galaxy). As a result,  he has chosen the mental massmind of Galaxia, over the path of the First or Second Foundations, as the only alternative for unending chaos.  Now, you would think that Trev would call it a day. Of course not! In truth, Trevize was never quite certain why he chose Galaxia as the only alternative for unending chaos. Now, he believes he has found a way to reassure himself of his choice. Recalling his friend's tales about humankind's legendary home, Earth, Trevize, accompanied by a young Gaian named Bliss and his partner Janov Pelorat, sets out to find the planet of origin, where all life began. However, there is but one complication: Earth has been lost for almost 20,000 years, and, if it still exists, no one alive knows where it is. Determined to discover the truth behind his decision to choose Galaxia, Trevize  faces the challenge boldly. But, is this task too great, even for Trevize?

Foundation and Earth is a great masterpiece woven by the master of Science-Fiction Isaac Asimov, filled with action, suspense, plot twists, and much more. This book is a good read for those people who love a novel that can, and will, keep them riveted until the very last word.

A Wizard of Earthsea (Book One, Earthsea Series)

In the land of Earthsea, on the island of Gont, an island famed for its wizards, a child lives unaware of his future or of his great potential. His name is Sparrowhawk (His first name is Duny, but it's simpler to summarize the story with only two names instead of three) and he will become the greatest wizard Earthsea has ever seen. For most of his life, Sparrowhawk has lived under the tutelage of his aunt, the village witch, overhearing and learning the True Speech she uses for her spells. However, when Kargish raiders come and attack Gont, his life changes forever. Using the True Speech to repel the invaders, Sparrowhawk becomes famed throughout the island but falls into a trance after expending too much power. Later, the village is visited by the wizard of Re Albi, Ogion the Silent, who releases Sparrowhawk from his trance and gives him his True Name, Ged. Now, Ogion's apprentice, Ged must train to master the True Speech and learn to control his powers. But as time goes on, Ged becomes, for lack of a better word, bored. He yearns for power and adventure, unaware of the careful balance of the world. Sent to the Wizard school of Roke, Ged learns more than he ever could have imagined. However, this knowledge comes at a price. Goaded by his rival the Roke, Jasper, Ged opens a gateway to another realm and releases a shadow upon the world. This shadow, unhindered, could envelop and world. In order to do this, it needs Ged. Flung into a journey across Earthsea, Ged must stop the shadow and right the wrong he committed or else the world will be consumed.

Earthsea was written in 1968. Yep, 1968. Despite being written 45 years ago, Ursula K. LeGuin's first book in the Earthsea Series is a fantastic edition to anyone's bookshelf and joins my list of favorites. I hope you all will find the time to read this mezmerizing tale of magic and redemption!